The Government of Punjab has accorded the status of tourist spot to Tehsil Kotli Sattian, and also approved to set up tourism centres at Chevra, Danoi and Karore road in Kotli Sattian. Work on this project will be initiated on emergency basis. Kotli Sattian after Murree became the second Tehsil of district Rawalpindi which has been given the status of tourism spot.
Kotli Sattian is a tehsil (subdivision) of Rawalpindi District in the Punjab province of Pakistan. Its name is derived from the mountain town of Kotli and the Satti tribe. This subdivision is geographically a part of Murree and Kahuta hills. It was declared a subdivision in 1990 by breaking up 40 villages out of both subdivisions.
Sunday, 25 November 2018
Tuesday, 2 October 2018
Raheela and Naila Anjum are sisters from Danoi, Kotli Sattian in Rawalpindi district, who donned the Pakistan colour. They ruled at National table tennis horizon for a decade during the 1990s. They went to play in the Tokyo championship, Japan. Both sisters also represented Pakistan in Asian games. That was the golden era of table tennis in Pakistan.
Raheela went to the Barcelona Summer Olympics (1992) in Spain to represent Pakistan. She won the bronze medal for Pakistan at 8th SAF games, Nepal (1999) in women's single and silver medal in women's double. She is gold and silver medalist in Asian Games, National Games, Pakistan Master Cup and many other tournaments. Raheela started playing professionally at the age of 12, and became national championship, a year after in 1990. She is 3 Times National Champion, Silver Medalist SAF Games 2004, Bronze in SAF Games Sri Lanka, Silver Medalist SAF Games 2016, 4 Gold Medals in National Championship 2000, 3 Gold Medals in National Championship 2016.
Raheela Kashif, Shabnam Bilal and Maliha Khursheed participated in World Championship in March 2016 and qualified for semi finals. Later on, Raheela Kashif qualified for the quarter-finals of the women’s singles table tennis competitions of the Fourth Islamic Games in Baku, Azerbaijan in March 2017. The duo of Shabnam Bilal and Raheela Khalif - members of the Pakistan women's team who bagged silver Medal in 2016, are both over 45. They were also part of the Pakistan team that clinched silver at the 2004 edition in Islamabad.
International Table Tennis player Raheela Kashif introduced an indoor table tennis facility as Islamabad Table Tennis Training Club in Islamabad to enable the beginners with learning the sport and develop ultimate skills of game enabling them to perform at National Level.
Raheela's Career Record till 1998
Related Article : SATTI SISTERS
Wednesday, 19 September 2018
Sattis are inborn soldiers, they possess a distinctive place and role in the Armed Forces of Pakistan. Every graveyard of Satti region is the resting place of Martyrs and War heroes.
The high walls of mountains of the Satti region on the northeast side, protects the Federal Capital Islamabad as a fortress. As the homeland of most of the in-service and retired forces personnel, it stands surety to the well-being of the motherland.
People inhibiting harsh mountain terrains naturally grow tough and endure a great deal of physical hardship. Mountain tribes in Murree, Kahuta and Kotli Sattian, like people in the entire mountain regions, were averse to slavery. They lived fiercely independent lives since day one. It was known as Aap Raji or self-rule. However, different governments tried to subjugate these tribes from time to time with little success. The turning point arrived during Sikh rule which saw unprecedented atrocities carried out by Sikh armies against mountain tribes. Sattis were confined to higher reaches which were almost outside the approach of Sikh armies. However it forced Sattis to develop a complete self-sufficient lifestyle. They developed their own agriculture, hand mills, water mills, ploughs, etc. But they were deprived of any access to education, health or other civil amenities.
When British and Sikh fought each other Sattis naturally sided with British and Sikhs were finally defeated with the combined efforts of Sattis and British Indian army soldiers. The papers of Sikh surrender were signed at Rawalpindi. Sikhs also meted out similar punishments to other tribes who gallantly fought back them in the entire mountain ranges. The British declared Sattis as martial race and would happily recruit them in their army. The rivalries with Sikhs and subsequent alliance with Brits brought Sattis into regular military profession.
Five war memorials in the Satti region were built to commemorate the gallantry during WWI. Nowhere on this earth such a small population had so many gallantry monuments built in such a number.
It is not true that Sattis showed their bravery only in regular army. Captain Riaz Satti was the right hand man to famous Indian nationalist leader Subash Chandra Bose and worked in the capacity of his secretary. Most of WWII prisoners from Satti tribe joined Indian National Army of Bose.
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Sunday, 16 September 2018
Tariq Hussain Satti is a banking professional with over 30 years of experience. Currently he is the Country Head of Habib Bank Limited, Singapore. He is a former chief executive and director of habib finance international Hong Kong, who also worked as Head of trade services HBL Pakistan. He has studied Masters of Commerce and Bachelors of Law from University of Karachi. He is an alumni of Institute of Bankers, Karachi as well. He originally hailed from Behl Chaka, Lehtrar, District Rawalpindi.
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
Today is the 70th death anniversary of the founder of Pakistan, the most extraordinary lawyer and legislator in history, Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
After 70 years we are still not very clear what Jinnah wanted may be if he had survived a few more years things would have been different, But it’s not hard to understand from all the content that is found in his speeches that he wanted a land where all could live peacefully and with equality.
After 70 years we are still not very clear what Jinnah wanted may be if he had survived a few more years things would have been different, But it’s not hard to understand from all the content that is found in his speeches that he wanted a land where all could live peacefully and with equality.
Monday, 10 September 2018
SSG Commando Ali Akbar Satti (Late) of 2nd Commando Rahbar Battalion, one of the most decorated Junior Commissioned Officer of his time, served SSG of Pakistan Army for 28 years, who executed several covert operations inside enemy’s den.
He was a jump-master with over 300 para jumps, who Represented Pakistan as a member of International free fall teams for 16 years.
Ali Akbar Satti was the member of the SSG team, who conducted operations on the Siachen Glacier against Indian positions at -30 temperatures on Ice covered Peaks, under the command of Brigadier TM Tiger.
He also Participated in several counter terrorism operations. When PIA Fokker was hijacked, he was among the SSG team, who reclaimed the plane and apprehended all 3 hijackers. None of the passengers were harmed during the assault.
Ali Akbar Satti was known for his close association with Brigadier TM Tiger, a notable commander of SSG.
Brave heart Commando Ali Akbar Satti hailed from Narrar, Kahuta, who passed away in 2013. May Allah bless his soul. Ameen.
Sunday, 9 September 2018
The PNS Ghazi or the “Holy Warrior” could travel up to 20 knots per hour, It had 12 sea mines stored and could store up to 14 torpedoes. Ghazi was the first submarine to be operated by a Navy in the South Asia becoming a serious threat to the Indian Navy.
The mysterious sinking of Ghazi took place on 4-5 December 1971 during its hunt to assault Vikrant and/or during the minelaying mission on the Visakhapatnam Port, Bay of Bengal. The true cause of the sinking is still unknown.
In 1972, Ghazi and her serving officers as well as crew members were honored with gallantry awards by the Government of Pakistan. At the Naval Dockyard in Karachi, a 'Ghazi Monument' was built to perpetuate the memory of the submarine and its 93 men.
In 1998, the Inter-Services Public Relations produced and released the telefilm, “Ghazi Shaheed”. Another movie, Untold Stories: Ghazi and Hangor were sponsored and released by the ISPR to commemorate Ghazi and her crew during their missions in 1971. In 2017, an Indian film was based on this submarine attack named “The Ghazi Attack”.
Saturday, 8 September 2018
Lt Commander (R) Muhammad Sarwar Khan Satti, veteran of two wars (1965 & 1971), a hero of Operation Dwarka (PNS Badr). On the night of 7 September, the Pakistan Navy launched its assault on Western Indian shores. Dwarka was chosen for its proximity 200 km (120 mi) from Karachi Port), its lower defences and historical relevance.
The plan called for a fleet of 7 naval vessels of Pakistan to bomb the town of Dwarka. It was aimed at luring the heavy ships anchored in Bombay into attacking the Pakistani ships to enable the submarine PNS Ghazi lurking in the Arabian Sea to engage and sink the Indian ships. Accordingly, a fleet of seven ships comprising PNS Babur, PNS Khaibar, PNS Badr, PNS Jahangir, PNS Alamgir, PNS Shah Jahan and PNS Tippu Sultan set sail for Dwarka and bombarded the town.
He hailed from Thoon, Kotli Sattian in Rawalpindi, and passed away in 2003. May Allah bless his soul. Ameen.
Thursday, 6 September 2018
The blood of hundreds of young men should become a guiding light for us Pakistanis to navigate through dark times of anguish. If these young men could offer their very best and even dear lives to serve Pakistan in time of need, so could each one of us in every walk of life.
The service and sacrifice of our soldiers are selfless; they never get to wear their decorations on their uniform. We must draw inspiration from their deeds in our daily lives.
These men in uniform were sons, brothers, husbands and fathers but, above all, they were sons of Pakistan and proudly upheld the obligation to Pakistan above and beyond their personal desires, responsibilities and relationships.
Let’s pray that the families and loved ones of these heroes find peace, happiness and prosperity in this world and the Hereafter.
We owe them this much to make sure that Pakistan for which their loved ones shed their blood prospers forever.
May Allah bless Pakistan. Long live Pakistan Army.
Friday, 17 August 2018
Tuesday, 14 August 2018
Let’s make some Independence Day Resolutions
We only enjoy Independence Day as a public holiday and are less interested in thinking about building up the country and doing something which can help the country progress. We, as individuals, never make any commitment with ourselves or spare the time to make an Independence Day resolution.
We need to reflect deeply and make some Independence Day resolutions. First and foremost we need to make a resolution to put the country first and work for the common good of all people of all religions and races, especially for the thousands who are caught up in a poverty trap to which they have been pushed by a selfish and wicked society.
Another Independence Day resolution could be a commitment to get involved actively in non-party political issues such as poverty alleviation, the battle against climate change and peaceful resolution of conflicts through dialogue instead of resorting to violence.
Wednesday, 1 August 2018
UMAR SATTI - Emerging Talent
Birth Name Umer Farooq Satti
Stage Name Dj Satti
Umar Satti is young and multi-talented individual as a music composer, Disc Jockey, rapper, photographer and an event manager.
He represented himself as an ambassador of PAKISTAN BOY SCOUTS ASSOCIATION on independence day expedition (13 - 14 August, 2005), and recieved an appreciation shield from President of Pakistan Mr Pervaiz Musharaf.
As a Disc Jockey he has achieved the first ranking in Reverbnation billboard in Pakistan, He held that position from 2011 to 2016. He also won the freestyle rap battle competition held in Tresbon F8 on 16 April 2013. His mixtape brown rang was featured on YouTube in the year of 2012. He was also the part of big concert of Punjabi Rapper BOHEMIA in the history of Pakistan in 2014 .
As a photographer, he owns a brand SM Photography Network which has alliances around the globe. He was the part of well-known theater play such as Siachin by Anwar Maqsood, Bananistan, Huwa Kuch Youn, Mujay Kyun Nikala by Anwar Maqsood.
Friday, 20 July 2018
Pakistan's People Led Disaster Management Movement, (PPLDM) is based on the belief that disaster management should be in the hands of the people, not just the state.Those most vulnerable to natural disasters are most motivated to undertake risk reduction measures and imagine innovative ways of surviving natural disasters.
Climate change dictates that we reinvent societal existence through collective endeavor. PPLDM will grow from strength to strength because our chief resource is "knowledge based endeavor."Our mission statement is "Knowledge and endeavor are endless resources." Our job is to ring the alarm whenever we see a potential disaster in the making by attempting to motivate both government and the people to take positive steps to reduce the risk. We are in the process of revolutionizing disaster management in Pakistan.
PPLDM’s first activity related to promoting public education on disasters in Pakistan is the upcoming publication, “PAKISTAN’S DISASTER RISK ANALYSIS.” To be published in both Urdu and English, the book is a comprehensive account of all the major disasters Pakistanis stand the risk of facing.
Follow @zssatti
Climate change dictates that we reinvent societal existence through collective endeavor. PPLDM will grow from strength to strength because our chief resource is "knowledge based endeavor."Our mission statement is "Knowledge and endeavor are endless resources." Our job is to ring the alarm whenever we see a potential disaster in the making by attempting to motivate both government and the people to take positive steps to reduce the risk. We are in the process of revolutionizing disaster management in Pakistan.
PPLDM’s first activity related to promoting public education on disasters in Pakistan is the upcoming publication, “PAKISTAN’S DISASTER RISK ANALYSIS.” To be published in both Urdu and English, the book is a comprehensive account of all the major disasters Pakistanis stand the risk of facing.
PPLDM’s founder Zeenia Sadiq Satti started advocating for earthquake risk reduction of Rawalpindi city in 2014, even before PPLDM formally existed as an NGO. A walk down the city and observation of its structures led her to conclude there was dire need for earthquake risk reduction at three levels:
- Hazard mapping of Rawalpindi city to ascertain the level and scale of risk
- Teaching of CBERM (Community Based Earthquake Risk Management) skills
- Retrofitting of critical life-saving structures such as hospitals and building that serve as transitional shelters.
- Contact
Field Address : Parhinna Gallery, Kamra, Kotli Sattian, District Rawalpindi
Email :
Events of July 13, 2018 (Mastung Attack and arrival of Sharifs at Lahore) exhibit intelligent design against Pakistan. Sharifs were either complicit or were played like fools by enemy intelligence in this matter. PEMRA head must resign and proper inquiry must ensue.
Please watch the video analysis by Zeenia Satti
Sunday, 1 July 2018
Dr Tallat Shafaat Satti is a senior Software Engineer at Google, California. He holds a PhD in Distributed Systems (IT) from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. He attended KTH Royal Institute of Technology for MS in Distributed Systems (IT), and Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering, Sciences and technology for BS in Computer Systems Engineering.
Prior to join Google, he worked for Microsoft and VMware. His areas of interest are distributed systems, Cloud computing, peer-to-peer systems and distributed algorithms.
Wednesday, 6 June 2018
Muhammad Abid Satti is a senior producer in Radio Pakistan. Currently he is working for Home Service of Radio pakistan at the Headquarters. Prior to this he worked in the Current Affairs channel of Radio Pakistan as an Anchor and a Producer from 2008 to 2014, where he conducted numerous live Radio shows on current affairs. Then he served at Islamabad Station, where he was the producer of "Subh e Pakistan", a flagship programme of Radio Pakistan on National Hook Up from 7:00 am to 8:00 am from January 2016 to June 2016. He also covered the Hajj transmissions from Saudi Arabia in 2018, where he conducted the interviews of Pakistani Religious Ministry Officials and pilgrimages, live reports/beepers about hajj rituals live from Saudi Arabia.
He hailed from Malot Sattian, Rawalpindi district.
Saturday, 2 June 2018
Wing Commander (R) Matiullah Satti was born in the village Ghanuyain in Kotli Sattian, Rawalpindi. He completed his primary education from the village school and his matriculation from the Govt High School Lehtrar. He Joined PAF college Sargodha as a flight cadet, after completing his graduation from this prestigious institution with distinction he joined PAF Academy Risalpur for his flying training.
Matiullah Satti was commissioned as a Pilot officer in GD(p) branch of the PAF in 1980. He became the first fighter pilot from Satti Tribe after creation of Pakistan and perhaps the second in the history of Satti Tribe.
He flew various fighter jets of the PAF like F-6, A-5 and Mirage to name a few. He also flew as a flying instructor in the academy and had the honour of leading the elite PAF Academy aerobatics team "The SHERDILS".
After serving PAF as a fighter pilot for about 16 years he decided to take premature retirement in 1996. He served only a year in his last rank as a wing commander. Matiullah Satti says "PAF is a great institution and I am who I am because of this elite organisation. I have great respect and love for PAF which is led and run by men of special breed."
A while after leaving PAF he joined UAE Air Force as a Civilian Flying Instructor in one of their fighter conversion unit. This unit was an integral part of Khalifa Bin Zayed Air College Al Ain.
Matiullah Satti had the opportunity to fly with at least 10 nationalities from the world, who formed a part of instructional staff. He said "It was great learning and I enjoyed flying the Hawk-63, (the jet flown by Red Arrows) one of the best fighter trainer in the world."
He added that "after almost 15 years in Al Ain, i chose to come back to Pakistan in 2010. It was time to try my hand on the jetliners before hanging my flying boots. I flew A-320 and A-340 with Air Blue for 5 years. I left Air Blue and joined Shaheen Air International in April 2016 and am flying A-320 to date."
"Flying is my passion, a unique profession, and I am in love with it. It’s unique in a way that its yesterday is never connected with today, for every flight, you have a new jet, new copilot, new cabin crew, new passengers, new weather, new destination and a new Runway to’s a challenge all the way." (Matiullah Satti)
Friday, 1 June 2018
Captain Raja Abdul Rauf Satti was a pilot by profession, who hailed from Lehtrar (Pallan), Kotli Sattian. He was the longest serving Chief Flying Instructor of Rawalpindi Flying club which is one of the internationally recognized prestigious flying training institute in Pakistan. He became the third commercial pilot from Satti tribe after Squadron Leader Saeed Satti and Flight Lieutenant Latif Satti.
He stands with pride to have trained hundreds of commercial pilots, most of the senior pilots presently working for PIA are trained by him. In addition to this he trained commercial pilots of other Muslim countries such as Syria, Jordan and UAE. Moreover, he was the first pilot to land at Muzaffarabad and Rawalakot airports. He had more than 16000 flying hours to his credit and holds a distinction of flying more than 12000 hours as a flying instructor. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi (Ex PM of Pakistan), Captain Muneeb Mufti (Pilot in PIA) and Captain Aziz ud Din (Pilot in Saudi Airline) are among his notable students. Prior to becoming a pilot he was a successful banker. The honour of opening
first bank [MCB] in Kotli Sattian in 70s also goes to him.
Contributed by : Nelofar Rauf Satti
Thursday, 31 May 2018
Dr. Liaqat Amin Satti is a highly qualified and experienced Executive, Consultant and Educator, who has worked for 30 years in the fields of Risk, Resilience, Safety, Security, Environment, Health, Crisis Management and Business Continuity. He has a PhD in Entrepreneurship. Currently he is working as an Executive Director Operations, Strategic Centre for Consultancy and Technology of Qatar.
He has designed, developed and implemented State Level Resilience Program and imported training to Senior Executives, Middle Management & Operational Teams. His work experience encompasses more than 15 countries. He is a specialist in designing and conducting “Crisis Management Exercises” to authenticate various industrial worst case scenarios such as Oil Spill, Hazardous Material Spill, large Toxic Gas Leaks, Fire, Explosion, Natural Disasters and Security Threats.
Liaqat Amin Satti is a keynote presenter and speaker in international conferences and seminars on the topics of Safety, Crisis Management, Business Continuity and Excellence of Leadership. He is also a member of advisory board for several educational institutions.
His core competencies are to develop, implement and maintain Resilience System that includes: Risk Management, Prevention/Mitigation, Emergency Response, Crisis Management, Business Continuity & Recovery for oil and gas industries, as well as to government and non-governmental organizations.
Dr Liaqut Amin Satti hails from Biaga, Kotli Sattian in Rawalpindi District.
Contributed by: Sadia Rizwan
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The Satti are a tribe in the region of North Punjab (Pir Panjal Range), Pakistan. Satti tribe mainly inhabits Kotli Sattian , Kahuta an...
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Pakistan's People Led Disaster Management Movement , (PPLDM) is based on the belief that disaster management should be in the hands of...